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  • Project in Turkey

  • Project in Turkey

“Despite the long transport to Turkey at temperatures of up to 40°, the plants were still in excellent condition on arrival.”

In June, two lorries full of 4 to 5 metre-high plants were ordered. It was stifling hot and transport to another country under these conditions was certainly not advisable, but our customer had a garden project to finish.

In the very early morning, the plants were uprooted, misted and then placed in a cold shed out of the midday sun. Before loading them onto the lorries, we sprayed them with an anti-evaporation compound.

Despite the long transport to Turkey at temperatures of up to 40°, the plants were still in excellent condition on arrival. We visited the project personally two months later and our customer expressed great satisfaction. All thanks to our replanting approach. After all, this approach gives plants more fibrous roots and offers better protection from unfavourable weather conditions.

A lorry filled with a variety of plants was expected in England early in the morning. We started loading the plants at 4:30 am, so that the lorry could take the first boat and deliver the order as quickly as possible.

This is a perfect example of the extra efforts that are needed to meet important deadlines – also on weekends, when it is particularly important to determine the right time to uproot the plants. This cannot be done too early in advance but, at the same time, we need to make sure we meet the deadline.

  • Project in England

  • Project in England

“We carefully choose the right time to uproot.”